Film • Gen AI Strategy • Design • Photography
 The urban conglomerate is born, grows, breathes, metabolizes, dances, thinks, creates, and sometimes dies. The city is indeed an undulating, throbbing, and thriving organism, and with the technology of the day, now more than ever. This anchor is on


The world's first episodic TV series filmed and delivered for 8K broadcast on the only 8K broadcast network in the world: NHK Japan.

Writer, Cinematographer.

The urban conglomerate is born, grows, breathes, metabolizes, dances, thinks, creates, and sometimes dies. The city is indeed an undulating, throbbing, and thriving organism, and with the technology of the day, now more than ever. This anchor is on display in 8K cinematic glory in flagship cities across the globe such as Venice, San Francisco and Havana, each with its own unique biological characteristics.